Agsafe Accredited
We have met the Agsafe Industry Standard for the Safe Transport, Storage & Handling of AgVet Chemicals

National Rural Independents
NRI is a low cost, highly efficient rural distribution model, focused on delivering value to their store owners & supplier partners

Fertilizer Australia
The industry association representing manufacturers, importers & distributors of fertiliser in Australia.

Australian Fertiliser Services Association
The industry body for businesses and people who spread, distribute, sell, store, transport, manufacture or provide advice on the use of fertilisers or soil ameliroate products

International Seed Testing Association
ISTA produces internationally agreed rules for seed sampling and testing, accredits laboratories, promotes research, provides international seed analysis certificates and training, and disseminates knowledge in seed science and technology

Freight & Trade Alliance
Australia’s leading representative body for the international supply chain sector bringing together importers, exporters, customs brokers, freight forwarders, logistics service providers and industry groups